typically don't write reviews for books. However, I'm making the exception with this one. I am from the US and am dating a guy from Poland. We will be leaving in a few weeks to visit his family in Poland. They don't speak English, and I don't speak Polish. So as a last ditch effort to bridge the conversation gap, I ordered this book to keep in my purse...I figure that if all else fails, I can just point to what I'm trying to say in the book. However, now that I have this book, I actually think I might have a fighting chance at actually carrying on a conversation, or at least forming sentences. The phonetic pronunciations are EXCELLENT! However, it does help that my boyfriend speaks Polish so he can pronounce any words that I get hung up on. If you are able to figure out the pronunciations, they are really dead on! I highly recommend this book. I'm sure I'll be using it for years to come because it is amazing how much information Berlitz crammed in that one little book! Very impressive!!