Petroleum Reservoir Rock & Fluid Properties

Abhijit Dandekar
Petroleum Reservoir Rock & Fluid Properties
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Includes up-to-date references in current literature, extensive graphical illustrations, practical examples to illustrate significant concepts, solved examples in selected chapters, and practice problems within each chapterIllustrates laboratory set-ups with detailed schematics that can be used to design apparatus for measuring rock and fluid propertiesExplains Darcy's law, imbibition, drainage, steady state and unsteady state relative permeability, Corey exponentsHighlights irreducible water saturation and wettability from the perspective of formation of petroleum reservoirs as well as laboratory studies Covers the practical utility of capillary pressure and relative permeability dataCovers phase behavior of pure and well defined multicomponent systems, and the five petroleum reservoir fluids-black oils, volatile oils, gas condensates, wet gases, and dry gases-from production and surface processing points of viewExplains constant composition expansion, constant volume depletion, differential liberation, composite liberation, separator tests A strong foundation in reservoir rock and fluid properties is the backbone of almost all the activities in the petroleum industry. Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties offers a well-balanced representation of fundamental concepts and practical aspects that encompass this vast subject area. The book provides up-to-date coverage of various rock and fluid properties using derivations, mathematical expressions, and various laboratory measurement techniques. Focused on achieving accurate and reliable data, it describes coring methods used for extracting samples from hydrocarbon formations and considerations for handling samples for conventional and special core analyses. Detailing properties important to reservoir engineering and surface processing, the author emphasizes basic chemical and physical aspects of petroleum reservoir fluids, important phase behavior concepts, fluid sampling, compositional analysis, and assessing the validity of collected fluid samples. The book also presents PVT equipment, phase behavior analysis using laboratory tests, and calculations to elucidate a wide range of properties, such as hydrocarbon vapor liquid equilibria using commonly employed equations-of-state (EOS) models.Providing a well-balanced discussion of theoretical and practical aspects that facilitate the solution of problems encountered in real life situations, Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties is ideal for students in petroleum engineering, including those coming from different backgrounds in engineering. This book is also a valuable reference for chemical engineers diversifying into petroleum engineering and personnel engaged in core analysis, and PVT and reservoir fluid studies.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-8493-3043-8, 9780849330438
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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