Pediatric Pulmonology

H. Panitch
Pediatric Pulmonology
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This new resource in the Requisites in Pediatrics series focuses on the assessment and treatment of pulmonary disorders commonly encountered in clinical practice. Abundant tables examine differential diagnosis, lab values/radiologic studies, treatment/therapy options, and when to refer to a specialist. A consistent organization throughout makes review easy, and chapters end with lists of key points. It's the ideal reference for a quick, efficient, and comprehensive review of essential information needed for board examinations or recertification.Emphasizes assessment and stabilization of the conditions most often encountered in practice.Examines differential diagnosis, lab values/radiologic studies, treatment/therapy options, and when to refer to a specialist through abundant tables.Organizes topics to address all of the major categories of pulmonary disease, including chronic lung disease, congenital pulmonary abnormalities, asthma, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, and moreFeatures contributions from experts at top pediatric institutions.Provides key references within each chapter.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-323-01909-5, 9780323019095
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby

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