Tricia Guild is known for her bold and original fabric and wallpapercollections and her extraordinary ability to use colour and pattern indecoration. She is inspired by fabrics, techniques, motifs and designsfrom all over the world and from every period of history - brocades anddamasks from the Far East; the rich history of botanical illustration andflower painting; checks, plaids and stripes from northern Europe; vibrantethnic prints from India and Central America; painterly designs fromChinese and European porcelain; the bold abstracts and geometric patternsof contemporary painters. Today, there has probably never been morepopular interest in pattern. After what seems like decades of white walls,pattern on wallpaper and fabric are making a timely comeback in ourinteriors. As one of the world's leading designers, Tricia Guild is in thevanguard of this exciting pattern revival. Indeed, pattern has always beenvital to her way of working, second only to her bold and innovativeapproach to colour. Her masterful mixing of large and small-scalepatterns in a variety of contrasting colours, finishes and textures, isrenowned throughout the world, and can be seen in detail in the speciallydesigned room sets that illustrate this book. Taking traditional motifs ordesigns and giving them a modern twist, finding surprising contemporaryuses for forgotten techniques such as flock printing and applique, andreinterpreting the ikats, crewelwork, quilting and other techniques seenon travels everywhere from New York to India are vital to her way ofworking. This book celebrates pattern in all of its wonderful diversity.