Paediatric Neurology

Christos P. Panteliadis
Paediatric Neurology
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This book is the first of its kind on the market to cover the complete spectrum of paediatric neurology, which has become increasingly more complex in recent years. It is written by 69 competent experts from all over the world, each and every one of them leading authorities in their specialized field. This book stands out compared to others on this topic because it is based on current literature and the latest scientific advances. It is produced in 4 colors, and nearly all of its illustrations are in color. It is a must for paediatric neurologists, neurologists, paediatricians, internal specialists, general practitioners and anyone involved in social paediatrics.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-3-13-141561-5, 9783131415615
Wydawnictwo: THIEME VERLAG

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