Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality

W. Salverda
Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality
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The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality presents a new and challenging analysis of economic inequality, focusing primarily on economic inequality in highly developed countries. Bringing together the world's top scholars this comprehensive and authoritative volume contains an impressive array of original research on topics ranging from gender to happiness, from poverty to top incomes, and from employers to the welfare state. The authors give their view on the state-of-the-art of scientific research in their fields of expertise and add their own stimulating visions on future research. Ideal as an overview of the latest, cutting-edge research on economic inequality, this is a must have reference for students and researchers alike. The volume also links to a website full of further reading and methodological annexes to assist with further research in the field.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-19-923137-9, 9780199231379
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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