Oxford Dictionary of Science

John Daintith
Oxford Dictionary of Science
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This best-selling dictionary contains over 9,000 entries on all aspects of science. It provides comprehensive coverage of biology (including human biology), chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy. The entries are supported by over 200 clear diagrams and illustrations, and fully cross-referenced for ease of use. Other features include short biographies of leading scientists, full page illustrated features on subjects such as the Solar System and Genetically Modified Organisms, and chronologies of specific scientific subjects including plastics, electronics, and cell biology. Both concise and wide-ranging, this dictionary is an ideal handy reference work for students, and a great introduction for non-scientists.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-19-280641-3, 9780192806413
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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