Our Culture Whats Left of It

Theodore Dalrymple
Our Culture Whats Left of It
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This new collection of essays by the author of "Life at the Bottom", bears the unmistakable stamp of Theodore Dalrymple's bracingly clearsighted view of the human condition. In these pieces, Dr. Dalrymple ranges over literature and ideas, from Shakespeare to Marx, from the breakdown of Islam to the legalization of drugs. Here is a book that restores our faith in the central importance of literature and criticism to our civilization. Theodore Dalrymple is the best doctor-writer since William Carlos Williams and Peggy Noonan. His work includes "When Islam Breaks Down", named the best journal article of 2004 by David Brooks of the "New York Times".
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-56663-643-8, 9781566636438
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Ivan R. Dee Publisher

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