Organizational Behavior

Angelo Kinicki, Afsaneh Nahavandi
Organizational Behavior
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For one-semester, undergraduate level courses in Organizational Behavior. Robbins & Judge, unlike any other author team, provide the research you want in the language your students understand. We've strengthened our team. YOU be the Judge. Robbins & Judge, unlike any other author team, provide the research you want in the language your students understand. We've strengthened our team. YOU be the judge. Q: How do you get your students engaged in your OB class?Steve Robbins is a master at grabbing and holding students' attention. He weaves vivid workplace examples through the book, making OB unfold like a great story. See pages 2 in the fold out preface for examples.· Provides students with an interesting, student-friendly, and very readable text, full with fascinating examples that makes OB real. Q: Do your students often think that OB is just common sense? What do you do to move them beyond this misconception? Would having a book written by a leading scholar support you in proving there is science behind OB?NEW Co-Author Tim Judge - Tim Judge (University of Florida), the leading theorist and scholar in the field of HR/OB, has strengthened the scientific base of this text with the most current research and theory. For a list of the highlights please see pp. ii - iii of the preface. · Students learn from the most current science of OB, proving that it's not all just common sense. NEW Full Chapter on Emotions and Moods (Ch.8) - Effective management of emotions and moods in the workplace is becoming increasingly more important. Exploding amounts of research is showing that emotions are relevant to many OB topics, including job attitudes, motivation, leadership, and negotiation. Who better to bring a dedicated chapter on emotions, a first in OBtextbooks, to Organizational Behavior, Twelfth Edition, than Tim Judge, the leading researcher in this area? See pp. 258 - 297.· Students learn, more comprehensively than with any other text, the effects emotions can have on their jobs and career from the expert in this area. OTHER KEY POINTS OF DISTINCTION Q: How do you try to motivate students in your course? Are they naturally inclined to read the textbook? If they did read it, do you believe it will help them learn the material more effectively? NEW Integration of Prentice Hall's Self-Assessment Library (SAL) - SAL is now integrated into the chapter. Students will benefit from taking a self-assessment test right after they've learned a concept. SAL assesses students' knowledge, beliefs, feelings, and actions in regard to a wide range of personal skills, abilities, and interests, a great way to help students translate theory into practice. E.g. "What's my Emotional Intelligence Score?" p. 281.· Increases students self-awareness of who they are and how they interact with others · Self-reflection helps students learn, retain and apply theoretical concepts to their own career. Q: Do your students ask themselves: "Why am I here? How is this going to help my career?" How do you help students link concepts to meaningful applications? NEW Additional Case Incidents - New additional case incidents at the end of each chapter reinforce the chapter concepts through real-world application. Each short case incident is based on articles from popular business press and supported with discussion questions. E.g. "The Upside of Anger?" pp. 290 - 291 & "Abusive Customers Cause Emotions to Run High" pp. 291-292.· Students with the opportunity to analyze and make decisions on real-world events. NEW Comprehensive Cases - Comprehensive Cases bring together multiple topics, helping students apply what they have learned in the course. All of these two to three page long comprehensive, realistic and real cases are supported with discussion questions. Many are based on articles from popular business sources. Case notes are provided in the Instructor Manual. E.g. "Arnold Schwarzenegger: Leader of California?" pp. 693 - 696 and "What Customers Don't Know Won't Hurt Them, or Will It?" pp. 697 - 699. · These cases help student learn from multidimensional scenarios every manager faces. Q: What materials do you bring into the classroom to facilitate class discussions? NEW Point/Counterpoint controversies - There are two sides to each controversy argued in Point/Counterpoint. This feature, ideal for use in classroom discussions shows how students' preconceived notion may be inadequate or even incorrect. Several of these 19 dialogues are new to this edition. E.g. "The Costs and Benefits of Organizational Display Rules" p. 288.· Students learn that there isn't always one correct answer to an OB issue and great managers always consider opposing points of view before making decisions.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-13-189095-4, 9780131890954
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall
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