Optics of Liquid Crystal Displays

P. Yeh
Optics of Liquid Crystal Displays
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The subject of liquid crystal displays has vigorously evolved into an exciting interdisciplinary field of research and development, involving optics, materials, and electronics. Updated to reflect recent advances, the Second Edition of Optics of Liquid Crystal Displays now offers a broader, more comprehensive discussion on the fundamentals of display systems and teaches readers how to analyze and design new components and subsystems for LCDs. New features of this edition include:Discussion of the dynamics of molecular reorientationExpanded information of the method of Poincar sphere in various optical components, including achromatic wave plates and compensatorNeutral and negative Biaxial thin films for compensatorsCircular polarizers and anti-reflection coatingsThe introduction of wide field-of-view wave plates and filtersComprehensive coverage of VA-LCD and IPS-LCDAdditional numerical examples
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-470-18176-8, 9780470181768
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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