Ocular Pathology 5e

M. Yanoff
Ocular Pathology 5e
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This new fifth edition of Ocular Pathology maintains its reputation as an essential reference for understanding, diagnosing, and treating diseases of the eye. Offering comprehensive information on the latest clinical findings, it is unique in its full-colour atlas presentation of pathology specimens reflecting the most current topics in the field. It remains an excellent reference for practising ophthalmologists, cataract and refractive surgeons, and all individuals interested in vision care and visual sciences.Assists the reader in understanding the nature, causes and development of abnormal conditions in the eye. Updated self-assessment questions test overall understanding of the field and prepare for the Board Examination. Book is well-positioned for all levels of Eye Health Care Providers Over 240 color photographs and 930 black-and-white illustrations clearly depict hundreds of clinical entities and pathology specimens (external and slit-lamp photographs, fundus photographs, retinal angiograms, anatomic, histologic and electromicroscopic photos of all eye tissues and their diseases, along with numerous sketches and schematic illustrations of tissues).
Data wydania: 1997
ISBN: 978-0-8151-0592-3, 9780815105923
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby
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