Nothing But Trouble

P. Dangelico
Nothing But Trouble
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A standalone novel. Reagan Reynolds... Water polo god. Owner of a face that belongs under Wikipedia’s definition of drop dead gorgeous. Too charming for his own good. But most importantly––the worst driver on the planet. No, really, I’m pretty sure his blind nana taught him how to drive. I had no idea who he was until he almost ran me over. And frankly, I kind of wish I still didn’t because then I wouldn’t have a sprained ankle to show for it. And my leg wouldn’t resemble a boa constrictor that’s swallowed a feral pig. Yeah, it’s that bad. I’ve spent years saving every penny I’ve ever earned to be able to transfer to Malibu University. And now my entire future––including my scholarship––is in jeopardy. So I either accept the help he insists on giving me, or lose everything I’ve sacrificed for. In the meantime, I’m going to ignore the fact that we’re becoming friends. And I’m definitely going to pretend he’s not turning into the object of my…umm, dirty fantasies. That’s not happening. Not even a little. Because the minute I clapped eyes on him I knew he was nothing but trouble.  
Data wydania: 2019-03-26
ISBN: 978-0-578-42871-0, 9780578428710
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Amazon
Cykl: Malibu University, tom 1
Stron: 292

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