Netter's Sports Medicine

C. Madden
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Netter's Sports Medicine, by Christopher C. Madden, MD, Margot Putukian, MD, FACSM, Craig C. Young, MD, and Eric C. McCarty, MD, is a reference designed to help you meet the challenges presented by your patients in this growing interdisciplinary field. More than 1,000 Netter images, along with photos of physical examination techniques and imaging examples, provide a rich visual understanding, while a bulleted text format, combined with a user-friendly organization by specific types of injuries as well as different types of sports, makes reference quick and easy. Discussions of a full range of sports-including "x-treme" sports-ensure that the coverage is comprehensive and up to date. From pre-participation exams, sports nutrition, and sports general medical problems in athletes...this reference equips you with the guidance you need to keep your patients at the top of their game.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4160-4922-7, 9781416049227
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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