Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine Advanced Technique

James J. Yue
Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine Advanced Technique
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New motion-preserving devices are revolutionizing spine surgerybut the learning curve for these operations is steep, and great attention must be given to patient and device selection and the perfect execution of each procedure. Only one reference spells out exactly how to perform these new techniquesand its peerless author team, comprised of key investigators involved in the devices' actual clinical trials, is uniquely qualified to help you get the best results! These global leaders in this area discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the full range of non-fusion technologiesand present the step-by-step, richly illustrated operative guidance you need to achieve optimal outcomes!
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4160-3994-5, 9781416039945
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders
Kategorie: Medycyna, Chirurgia

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