Mothering Through Domestic Violence

L. Radford
Mothering Through Domestic Violence
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Research into children and domestic violence in recent years has emphasized the importance of giving positive support to a non-abusive parent for effective child protection. But what exactly does positive support involve? Based on findings from six primary research studies carried out by the authors themselves, as well as other published research, this book reveals how undermining mothering - specifically, family courts and social work agencies blaming mothers for their own victimization - plays a key role in locking women into abusive relationships and exacerbating the damage done by domestic violence. It explores the principle message drawn from the research: that the needs of individual victims should inform risk assessment and safety planning by welfare practitioners. Case studies are used to explore key issues that should be considered during assessment and planning, such as the psychological impact on children of living in an abusive household; mother and child protection from an abusive partner during court proceedings; and child contact with an abusive parent. "Mothering Through Domestic Violence" is essential reading for practitioners working in the fields of family and child welfare, family courts and policy makers.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-84310-473-5, 9781843104735
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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