Mother Teresa Life of Dedication

R. Rai
Mother Teresa Life of Dedication
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Beatified by Pope John Paul II only six years after her death, Mother Teresa (1910-1997) continues to inspire people the world over through her personal example of unending faith and compassion. She founded the Mission of Charity, an order with the primary task of attending to the poor and neglected, and devoted her life to the underprivileged in the slums of Calcutta. Magnum photographer Raghu Rai met Mother Teresa in the early 1970s and was immediately captivated by a woman who, from the age of 12, was fully aware of her 'mission.' In this poignant portrait, the photographer pays homage to the extraordinary nun and her extraordinary destiny. Threading his way through the impoverished streets of Calcutta, he captures her spiritual commitment and daily fight against poverty. With nearly a hundred powerful and moving images punctuated by conversational texts that recall the encounters between the photographer and his subject over a period of almost 30 years, this beautiful book will inspire believers everywhere, as well as all those looking to live by Mother Teresa's wonderful example. AUTHOR BIO: Raghu Rai has been a photographer with Magnum since 1977 and was director of photography for India Today from 1982 to 1992. He has produced more than ten books, including A Day in the Life of Indira Gandhi, Delhi: A Portrait, and Calcutta. He lives and works in Delhi.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-8109-5875-3, 9780810958753
Język: angielski

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