Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Radiography

W. Callaway
Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Radiography
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This guide offers a comprehensive review, in outline form, of the five major subject areas covered on the ARRT exam in radiography. Each review of a subject is followed by a set of questions related specifically to that area. After students have reviewed the material, they are ready to take the two mock exams printed in the text and the unlimited test simulations on the companion CD-ROM. This edition also provides information on preparing resumes, interviewing, and career planning in order to help students make the transition to careers as practicing radiographers.Review questions with answers are presented in multiple-choice format similar to the ARRT exam and help students assess preparedness and identify areas that need additional study.Mock exams on CD simulate taking the computer-based exam now administered by the ARRT.CD allows students to work in tutorial mode -- with immediate feedback -- or in exam mode, with feedback only after the entire test is completed.CD includes more than 1,100 new questions in addition to those from the book, coded by the five areas of the Registry exam, which can be randomly combined to create unlimited practice exams.Study aids on CD include these: questions may be bookmarked for later study, rationales are included for correct and incorrect answers, test tips are provided for difficult questions, and test scores are recorded and stored with a date stamp.Sections on career planning, continuing education requirements, and career advancement offer examples of resumes and cover letters plus other important information.Career preparation content includes information on basic financial planning as it applies to salary and benefit negotiation.Evolve Resources include an online course management system for instructor use.Electronic flashcards are provided on the companion CD, containing important formulas and content.Text/CD provides more questions than any competing product, and the test-taking software offers an infinite number of combinations to generate unique mock exams.All questions throughout are in multiple-choice format to more closely resemble the actual Registry exam.Enhanced rationales make it easier to understand correct and incorrect responses to questions.Expanded coverage of digital and computed radiography reflects increased emphasis on these topics on the Registry exam.Exam preparation and procedures plus test taking skills are consolidated in Chapter 1.Improved layout makes study guide outlines easier to read and digest.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-323-03420-3, 9780323034203
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby
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