Herbert Ypma
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Morocco is a country of extremes: ultra-modern, yet still deeplytraditional. These tendencies are also the defining qualities in modernMorocco's decorative arts. Some of the most talented and progressivearchitects and designers in the world are working in Morocco today. Theirwork is profoundly influenced by a deep-rooted veneration for the artisantraditions of the past, the centuries-old skills of the weavers,woodworkers and zillij masters. As the superb photographs in this bookshow, one thing that unifies Morocco, both ancient and modern, is thedazzling use of colour. Herbert Ypma traces the origins of the greatartisan traditions and looks at the way contemporary designers continue touse these techniques. The book concludes with the work of one of Morocco'smost remarkable contemporary architects, Charles Boccara, whose designsreinterpret these influences to create work that is strikingly modern.
ISBN: 978-0-500-28852-8, 9780500288528
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Thames & Hudson

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