Morocco - Culture Smart

J. York
Morocco - Culture Smart
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Avoid being offended, or worse offending Morocco locals, instead familiarise yourself with local customs and cultures by reading "Culture Smart! Morocco". This handy, pocket-sized book will help you to ease your way into a different culture and will assist you in making sure you don't develop incorrect stereotypes. Good preparation can go a long way in readying yourself for your journey. Whether you are setting off to Morocco in order to travel, learn, work or relocate, "Culture Smart!" will provide you with a wealth of information on everything from climate, population, doing business, nightlife and so much more. "Culture Smart! Morocco" offers an in-depth insight to the customs and cultures of Morocco, an area where many other guidebooks only scratch the surface.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-85733-337-4, 9781857333374
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Kuperard

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