Molecular Basis of Blood Diseases

Philip W. Majerus, Harold E. Varmus, George Stamatoyannopoulos
Molecular Basis of Blood Diseases
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The superb 3rd Edition covers all the groundbreaking developments that have taken place in this field since the publication of the well-received 2nd Edition. Comprehensively revised, it presents all the newest findings on the molecular bases of blood cell functions and disease mechanisms...and the impact of these discoveries on the state of medicine.Offers the latest information on gene regulatory mechanisms, including transcriptional control and splicing...hemoglobin switching...the thalassemias...hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis...sickle hemoglobin...and more! Includes contributions from the leading names in every area of the specialty, ensuring complete coverage of all subjects.Offers new information on biological responses involving cytokines and chemokines and hematologic growth factors. Discusses the scientific basis of transfusion protocols and targets for monoclonal antibody therapy. Features a new in-depth description of molecular mechanisms involving pathobiology of lymphomas.Review of this edition: 'A striking aspect of The Molecular Basis of Blood Diseases is its readability...the contributing authors have retained an amazing degree of lucidity of style...that makes it fun to consult what is probably the moast authoritative account of this topic...for its overall excellence The Molecular Basis of Blood Diseases must be considered the Rolls-Royce of the books on this topic. If you can afford it, buy it.' -Trends in Molecular Medicine
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-7216-7671-5, 9780721676715
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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