For the emergencies that are too minor to call an ambulance, too urgent to wait for an appointment, this highly practical text covers the emergency treatments and procedures you need to know about, but may have never learned about! Minor Emergencies: Splinters to Fractures covers the what-to-dos and what-NOT-to-dos of handling dozens of minor emergencies from bee stings to puncture wounds to fractures of the collarbone. This practical step-by-step guide is an essential reference for any office, clinic, urgent care centre, first aid station, or emergency department.Provides step-by-step instructions for treating the presenting emergency, easily understood by all medical personnel. Provides lists of cautionary items to avoid, which could inadvertently worsen the situation and potentially harm the patient. Includes consistent use of format, icons, and boxes throughout for fast access to material. Contains well illustrated, simple line drawings which clearly depict procedures at a glance.