This series of books reflects the trend towards a core curriculum and self-directed learning. The content is restricted to the must knowcore information presented in a synoptic style. The diagrams that support the text are in a style that the reader can remember and reproduce in examinations. Each chapter ends with a selection of self-assessment material and full explanatory answers. These consolidate and expand on the chapter contents.The series covers the entire curriculum in approximately twelve discipline-based volumes. This volumes presents an integrated coverage of microbiology and infectious disease. Despite the use of problem- and/or topic-based curricula students still respond to the security of a well-ordered presentation of the basic information by traditional discipline.Concise text of the essential core materialAccompanying self assessment material ideal for self-directed learningSimple line drawings of a style that can be easily reproduced in examinationsNew smaller format to fit on bookshop shelves.New internal design to look more up to date.Much stronger series cover design to encourage bookshops to display as a series.Increased self-assessmentIncludes the new OSCE style questions that are increasingly used in examinations.More consistent use of learning objectives.Contents refined to take account of comments on first edition.