Microbiology A Laboratory Manual

James G. Cappuccino
Microbiology A Laboratory Manual
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Known for its straightforward and well thought-out laboratory experiments, minimal equipment requirements, and competitive price, Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, Eighth Edition retains these advantages while gaining currency with a new "Hot Topics in Microbiology" feature, 50% new color photographs, and a new section of molecular biology experiments. This versatile laboratory manual can be used with any undergraduate microbiology text and course. The manual includes a variety of experiments to assist in the teaching of basic principles and techniques. Each of the 79 experiments includes learning objectives, a discussion of the microbiological principle involved, easy-to-follow procedures in the At the Bench section, and lab reports for recording observations and results and answering review questions. A new feature, "Hot Topics in Microbiology," assures the manual's topical currency while helping students relate to the experiments they are performing and understand how microbiology affects their lives. Laboratory safety instructions are provided as needed. The rich four-color photo insert section provides 45 new photos and micrographs to help students understand the microbial world. The manual has a new spiral binding for ease of use in the lab setting. A quick reference guide illustrating serial dilutions, a common laboratory procedure, is now printed on the inside back cover for easy reference.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-321-48820-6, 9780321488206
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Addison Wesley Publishing Company

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