Herbert Ypma
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Modern Mexico is an exotic, sensual mix of cultural influences and afantastically fertile breeding ground for contemporary architecture anddesign. Featuring the most striking work of architects and designers suchas Josea de Yturbe and Manuel Mestre, Mexican Contemporary explores both theboldness of the new in Mexico and the vibrant and diverse roots to which itremains true. Mexico's pre-Columbian civilizations, the baroque, tile-cladcathedrals of the Catholic conquistadors, and the rugged and massiveproportions of the colonial hacienda are all visible in the work ofMexico's modern masters. Contemporary architects and designers are bringingto these elements a fascination with texture and monumental scale, creatingsurfaces from adobe, rusted steel, and weathered timber and stone, anddaringly massive spaces.
ISBN: 978-0-500-28887-0, 9780500288870
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Thames & Hudson

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