Mermaid's Tail

Raewyn Caisley
Mermaid's Tail
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This book is about a girl called Crystal who wants to be a mermaid. One night her wish comes true and she swims with a dolphin all day. My favourite part was where she was dreaming about being a mermaid. I also liked it when her dream came true and she played with a dolphin. I thought it was funny and happy and I think other children will like it. In our class, 23 children liked the book. They said it was romantic, funny, exciting and happy. Four students did not like the book because they said they didn't like mermaids and it wasn't exciting enough.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-439-40497-6, 9780439404976
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Scholastic

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