Merger Control in Post-Communist Countries

J. Malinauskaite
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This book provides a critical analysis of merger control regimes in the former socialist countries with small market economies, looking at the unique challenges facing these economies. Questions will be asked as to what extent these countries have had to follow dictation from the EU and whether this implementation of EU merger control rules has been justified from the point of view of these countries' economic situations.The book will analyse the merger control regimes in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Slovenia and Slovakia. However, reference will be made to other small market economies of the EU including Cyprus, Ireland, Luxembourg and Malta in order to evaluate the particular difficulties the former socialist countries with small market economies have had in the implementation and further development of merger control rules.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-415-48653-8, 9780415486538
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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