Memory Bytes

L. Rabinovitz
Memory Bytes
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Explores digital culture - what it is, its historical context, and its uses in the media, the film industry, and the sciences Considers how human subjectivity has been shaped by machines, and emphasizes the dependence of particular technologies on material circumstances Digital culture is often characterized as radically breaking with past technologies, practices, and ideologies rather than as reflecting or incorporating them. Memory Bytes seeks to counter such ahistoricism, arguing for the need to understand digital culture - and its social, political, and ethical ramifications - in historical and philosophical context. Looking at a broad range of technologies, including photography, print and digital media, heat engines, stereographs, and medical imaging, the contributors present a number of different perspectives from which to reflect on the nature of media change. While foregrounding the challenges of drawing comparisons across varied media and eras, Memory Bytes explores how technologies have been integrated into society at different moments in time. Memory Bytes investigates the interplay of technology and culture.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-8223-3241-1, 9780822332411
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Duke University Press

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