Medical Pahramacology at Glance

Michael J. Neal
Medical Pahramacology at Glance
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Medical Pharmacology at a Glance is one of the most renowned undergraduate texts in the field of medical pharmacology. Following on from the success of the previous three editions, Professor Michael Neal, one of the great teachers of medical pharmacology, has extensively revised and updated the fourth editon to take account of the rapid developments in the field. This incredibly useful book summarises the core principles of the mode of action of drugs and puts this information within the context of body systems and specific clinical problems. The author discusses the mechanisms of action of each drug, indicating the therapeutics of choice for specific conditions. ical Pharmacology at a Glance follows the now familiar, easy-to-use double page spread format of the a Glance series. Each section contains a clear illustration depicting the major drugs and their interactions within a particular body system and a concise account of the topic.excellent for revision and examination purposes condenses words to the absolute minimum makes the illustrations the primary tool of communication provides a quick grasp of the subject new section on immunological drugs
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-632-05244-8, 9780632052448
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Blackwell Science

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