Measurement Systems & Sensors

W. Nawrocki
Measurement Systems & Sensors
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Here?s your complete resource on systems and sensors used in industrial measurement. Coverage of new wireless measurement systems and wireless GSM interfacing makes this title unique, providing in-depth, practical knowledge you won't find in any other book. This hands-on reference shows you how to: select the right analog-to-digital conversion method best suited for a specific measurement problem; determine whether to use a cable or wireless interface for optimum data transmission; speed up the data transmission rate in a measuring system with IEEE-488 interface by using the high-speed protocol HS-488. You find a review of digital temperature sensors, helping you design a monitoring system with multi-point measurements. Moreover the book introduces new, cost-effective measurement technology utilizing www servers and LAN computer networks. From computer-based measuring systems, electrical thermometers and pressure sensors, to conditioners, cassette measuring systems, and virtual tools, this authoritative volume offers you the details you need for your work in the field.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-58053-945-6, 9781580539456
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Artech House

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