MarketBusters 40 Strategic Moves That Drive Exceptional Busi

Ian C. MacMillan, Rita Gunther McGrath
MarketBusters 40 Strategic Moves That Drive Exceptional Busi
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If all firms face similar obstacles to profitable growth, how do some companies successfully burst through these barriers, leaving their competitors in the dust?Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian C. MacMillan argue that an answer to this question lies in MarketBusters. Best of all, the authors say, opportunities for identifying and executing such moves can be unearthed throughout a companyżs existing business platformżif managers know where and how to look for them.The authors practical tools and checklists to help leaders determine the best marketbusting move to use in a given situation. Vivid company examples illustrate the moves in practice, and clear guidelines aid managers in implementing their chosen moves effectively. Driving continuous growth is imperative for every leader in every industry. MarketBusters is the field guide that will help them succeed.MARKET BUSTERS OFFERS:* A Unique Perspective on Growth Opportunities: Big żbreakthroughż moves are risky and often unsuccessful. Todayżs executives are looking to drive growth off a platform of established markets, with existing customers, and with existing products and offerings. This book shows them how to do that.* A Highly Practical Approach: Actionable, tools-oriented focus of this book will appeal to executives under pressure to show results fast.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-59139-123-4, 9781591391234
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Harvard Business School Press

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