Manual on International Courts and Tribunals 2e

Ruth Mackenzie
Manual on International Courts and Tribunals 2e
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The dramatic rise in the number of international courts and tribunals and the expansion of their legal powers has been one of the most significant developments in international law of the late 20th century. The emergence of an international judiciary provided international law with a stronger than ever law enforcement apparatus, and facilitated the transformation of many aspects of international relations from being power-based to being law-based.
The first edition of the Manual on International Courts and Tribunals, published in 1999, was the first book to survey systematically this new institutional landscape, by describing in an accessible and uniformly structured manner the legal powers and operating procedures of all major international judicial and quasi-judicial bodies. In doing so, it laid the groundwork for comparative study and research of the law and practice of international courts and tribunals - an emerging field of international legal research, which has already spurred a series of publications, conferences and academic courses.
This second edition updates the first edition by describing the many legal changes that have taken place in the last decade, including important reforms in the laws and procedures of many international courts and tribunals, relevant developments in their increasingly rich jurisprudence and the creation of new judicial fora. Moreover, it assesses the overall record of these judicial bodies. The data and legal analysis offered in the book provide both practitioners and academics with an important basis of knowledge that will help them better understand the details of international adjudication and its context.Only book providing a practical and comprehensive overview of the law and practice of all international courts and tribunals
Uniform and systemic presentation of all the relevant information for each court and tribunal
Written by a set of international experts on the topic
With a preface by Philippe Sands
More focus on case law
Coverage of new bodies, such as the African Court of Justice and Human Rights
Updates on reforms, such as Protocol 14 to the ECHR and the ICJ Practice Directives
Comprehensive assessment of the overall record of international courts and tribunals
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-19-954527-8, 9780199545278
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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