Managing the Mystery Collection

J. Overmier
Managing the Mystery Collection
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"Managing the Mystery Collection: From Creation to Consumption" reveals just who is responsible - for providing high-quality library mystery collections to fans. This resource takes you through the complicated process, from creating a mystery story to getting it to the library bookshelf and the patrons - all with clear explanations and no plot twists. Authors, readers, critics, scholars, and librarians give an interdisciplinary inside look at the production and collection of one of the most popular genres in literature, the mystery. This unique book comprehensively explains how a mystery story journeys a surprisingly winding way to reach an avid reading public. No red herrings here though. Acquisitions and collection development resources are provided along with effective strategies that will help librarians to sift through the clues on how to bring life to their mystery collections. Examinations of various sub-genres of the mystery are provided, such as romance and Native American mysteries, as well as an enlightening discussion of the links between mysteries, libraries, and interest groups. "Managing the Mystery Collection" solves the mystery behind the step-by-step process it takes to provide readers with what they want - access to a collection of perplexing, well-written mysteries. This is perfect for public and academic librarians with an interest in building quality collections of mysteries; library school faculty teaching courses in collection building, popular culture and libraries, genre literature, and special collections; and students of those fields.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7890-3154-9, 9780789031549
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Haworth Press

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