Managing Teacher Appraisal & Performance

David Middlewood, Carol Cardno
Managing Teacher Appraisal & Performance
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The biggest single issue currently facing school managers is how they should appraise their staff and what the implications of the process are. This edited collection brings together the latest thinking on the subject, from both the UK and overseas, and places it directly in the context of school management. Issues discussed include the role of appraisal in school leadership and the role of appraisal in developing teachers. The importance of this combined with the lack of published material on the subject make this book an essential purchase for all headteachers, heads of department, INSET co-ordinators and postgraduate educational management students.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-415-24222-6, 9780415242226
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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