Management of Psychiatric Disorders in Pregnancy

Kimberly A. Yonkers
Management of Psychiatric Disorders in Pregnancy
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The pregnant woman can present a variety of mental disorders - from classic schizophrenia to depression. Using a systematic, step by step set of criteria, this book covers diagnosis and prescribed treatment, and analyses risk and cost benefits particularly with regard to drug therapy. In all cases, psychotropic versus psychotherapeutic treatments are given full consideration.Topics covered include schizophrenia; depression and mania; obsessive-compulsive disorders; eating disorders; sleeping disorders; delirium; dementia and amnesia; alcohol abuse; and drug and substance abuse.Systematic approach to different disorders and the available therapies * Comprehensive discussion of drug versus non pharmacological therapies of particular significance during pregnancy * Chapters are organised by psychiatric illness for ease of use * Includes a brief overview of the biological changes occuring during pregnancy for the psychiatrist, co-written by a psychiatrist and an obstetrician-gynaecologist * Up-to-date, comprehensive reviews of each illness include information about risks and benefits of treatment * Accessible review of non-medication psychotherapic approaches is also offered
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-340-76126-7, 9780340761267
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers

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