Management Development for Non-profit Organisations

V. Padaki
Management Development for Non-profit Organisations
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Voluntary organizations engaged in development activities combine high levels of dedication with specialized expertise in working for and with the neglected and disadvantaged segments of society. Although attitudes have softened over time, people in development programmes are inclined to distance themselves from the world of 'management'. In particular, one area of management development that has remained neglected is the functioning of the Boards of these organizations. This is a self-help manual for Board members, which is designed to address this lacuna. Besides the introduction, "Management Development for Non-Profit Organisations" contains six chapters, each containing a 'module' to aid management development in Boards. These are conceiving the organization; setting up the organization; statutory conditions for the organization; the governing board of the organization; organizational growth and development; and emerging demands and challenges.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-7619-3377-9, 9780761933779
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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