Management Accounting in Health Care Organizations 2e

D. Young
Management Accounting in Health Care Organizations 2e
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Management Accounting in Health Care Organizations  (Second Edition) provides students with a comprehensive working understanding of accounting principles, concepts, and techniques that guide health care providers. The book presents tools and models available to health care managers that assist them in their financial decision support and decision-making processes as well as retrospectively evaluating and reviewing resource allocation decisions. The author, Boston University professor David Young, takes a user-oriented approach to topics such as full-cost accounting, differential cost accounting, and responsibility accounting. This highly effective text reinforces its content with case-based problems throughout the chapters. Included in each chapter are learning objectives, standard introductions, key terms, and test cases for class or independent follow up. A complete glossary of key terms and concepts appears at the end of the book. New to this edition: ?        The books original eight chapters have been reallocated into 10 chapters, allowing for more concise treatment of important topics such as cost accounting. ?        Two new chapters have been added, to cover differential cost accounting and cash budgeting. ?        Even with additional chapters, the books overall length has been maintained. ?        Chapter structures have been enhanced with learning objectives and key terms. ?        Out of date cases have been deleted and replaced
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-470-30021-3, 9780470300213
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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