Management Accounting in Health Care Organisations

D. Young
Management Accounting in Health Care Organisations
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Management Accounting in Health Care Organizations offers an introduction to the subject of management accounting and provides a user-oriented approach to the concepts and techniques students need in order to understand management accounting in a health care context. This volume includes the information needed to master the basics of full-cost accounting, differential cost accounting, and responsibility accounting. It describes the uses and limitations of management accounting and the common accounting pitfalls managers face when making routine health care management decisions. This important text is formatted to provide an interactive learning approach. Students prepare answers to problems as they appear throughout each chapter and analyze one or more practice cases at the end of the chapter. Each chapter's practice case is followed by several cases that can be assigned for analysis and discussion in the classroom setting.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-7879-6745-1, 9780787967451
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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