Man Behind the Curtain. Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

Matt Palumbo
Man Behind the Curtain. Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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George Soros’ web of influence is documented and exposed. No one else in modern politics has anywhere near the power and influence of George Soros, both domestically and internationally. Backed by the tens of billions of dollars he’s accumulated throughout his career, Soros has his hand in influencing the media, activist groups, colleges, presidential elections, global elections, local U.S. politics, and much more. Soros has earned himself a reputation as a “boogeyman” character on the right, and nowhere else will you read such an extensive documentation of his influence as in this book.
Data wydania: 2022-02-03
ISBN: 978-1-63758-332-6, 9781637583326
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Post Hill Press
Kategoria: Historia
Stron: 176

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