Lucius Cornelius Sulla. History and Tradition

Ireneusz Adam Łuć
Lucius Cornelius Sulla. History and Tradition
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Lucius Cornelius Sulla was an outstanding and complex personality and therefore his person triggered extremely different reactions already among his contemporaries. The struggle for power over the Roman Empire, in which Sulla was one of the main participants, had not only the political dimension. There were different visions concerning the organization of the Roman State which was to come into existence on the ruins of the Republic, they clashed with each other. No wonder then that so many participants of the conference, the outcome of which is this volume, have focused their attention on the controversies over the image of Sulla in the ancient and modern historiography as well as in the literature of the subject.
ISBN: 978-83-7784-463-2, 9788377844632
Wydawnictwo: UMCS

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