The story of a little girl named Nara begins on an island, on a planet isolated from a dreaded war that has lasted centuries. The pristine Guardian order fights to keep the galaxy safe from the wicked Insurgents, whose dark magic consumes every planet it touches. After losing her mother to the Insurgents, Nara struggles to fight a growing darkness inside her, stemming from her hatred toward the galaxy and toward herself. She knows only two things: the war is a death sentence for all who find themselves a part of it, and her best friend Alicia will never let the darkness consume her.
But the war is coming. The darkness is coming. Nara and Alicia’s feelings for each other are tested and proven dangerous when they are faced with the unforgiving rules of the Guardians, who are not as heroic as they seem. Nara’s story ends on a battlefield, where she discovers not even love can save her from her fate, and it will be more tragic than she ever thought it would be.
But the war is coming. The darkness is coming. Nara and Alicia’s feelings for each other are tested and proven dangerous when they are faced with the unforgiving rules of the Guardians, who are not as heroic as they seem. Nara’s story ends on a battlefield, where she discovers not even love can save her from her fate, and it will be more tragic than she ever thought it would be.