Asensio Paco
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Narrow winding streets, tasteful gardens, and period structures have longmade London a Centre of old-world charme. But in the past few years thishistoric city has made a name for itself in the world of architecture anddesign, and nowhere is that distinction more evident than in its apartmentdwellings, as this colorful volume clearly proves. If you thought living inLondon meant electric fireplaces and damp cheerless parlors decorated withyour grandmother's furniture, think again. Windows that wow, roomsvibrating with color, kitchens so sleek they seem to melt into the wallsand bathrooms so luxurious they seem to make other rooms unnecessary-allthese and more can be found between the covers of this elegant book thatwill both inspire and transport. Forty intimate home tours of beautifullyappointed apartments, each with its own character, take readers throughthe basics of space, lighting, and color. Blueprints, sketches, and aninformative text aimed at professionals and laypeople alike present eachapartment's unique challenges and design strategy. From the witty to thehigh-tech, the minimalist to the lavish, these London apartments showcasethe best work of today's architects and designers and secure London'sreputation as one of the most exciting places to live in the world. If London is the epicentre of the world then this book presents themolten core. Where do these creative types live? Where do they relax? Thistext presents the places these people go home to, to dream in and to sleepin. The book provides "access all areas" to over 40 apartments in thecapital of cool. Illustrating with great detail the atmosphere and overalldesign strategy the book documents the use of space, lighting and colourshowing blueprints sketches and informative text. From the ironic to thecutting edge and from the minimalist to the plush these London apartmentsshowcase the evidence that serious designing talent inhabits the city ofLondon.
ISBN: 978-3-8238-5558-3, 9783823855583
Wydawnictwo: TeNeus

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