Logo Savvy : Top Brand Design Firms Share Their Naming and Identity Strategies

Dann Ilicic "Wow! Branding"
Logo Savvy : Top Brand Design Firms Share Their Naming and Identity Strategies
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After the business plan, the first step for any new company is choosing a name - a seemingly simple activity but one that can prove extremely challenging. The next and equally challenging step is designing a logo that is eye catching, appropriate and reflective of the chosen name of the business. Even for the seasoned designer, this is a remarkably difficult task. "Logo Savvy" will help readers understand how to define the right approach and achieve an innovative and unique solution for both name and the logo design. Chapters showcase companies whose identities have evolved visually through the introduction of a great name, as well as companies that have developed a visual identity in tandem with a name. Case studies, corresponding side-bars, and tips provide designers with the inspiration and tools they need to find the right approach for their own clients.
Data wydania: 2007-03-01
ISBN: 978-1-59253-304-6, 9781592533046
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Rockport Publishers
Stron: 192

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