Legend of Alexander the Great on Greek & Roman Coins

K. Dahmen
Legend of Alexander the Great on Greek & Roman Coins
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This outstanding introductory survey collects, presents and examines, for the very first time, the portraits and representations of Alexander the Great on the ancient coins of the Greek and Roman period. From 320 BC to AD 400, Karsten Dahmen examines not only AlexanderÂs own coinage and the posthumous coinages of his successors, but also the re-use of his image by rulers from the Greek world and the Roman empire, to late antiquity. Also including numismatic material that exceeds all previous published works, and well-illustrated this historical survey brings Alexander and his legacy to life for anyone in the Classics community, students, academics and the general reader.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-415-39452-9, 9780415394529
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Taylor & Francis

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