Legal Aspects of Gene Technology

Brian Cain
Legal Aspects of Gene Technology
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This is the first work to examine in-depth the interface between the development of gene technology and the law. It provides practitioners with up-to-date guidance on all aspects of this rapidly evolving subject, both the regulation of gene technology (for example in the areas of cloning and the use of human tissue) and its impact on other areas of life, such as the sale of GM food and disclosure of the results of genetic testing. * The first text to draw together all the strands of a diverse and topical area of law * Full discussion of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 2002 which came into force on 17th October 2002 * International in scope, including the latest case law and legislative developments in the UK, US and EU * Features direct input from a specialist US practitioner * Includes precedent agreements with full commentary
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-421-78330-0, 9780421783300
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Sweet-Maxwell

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