Lectures on Differential Galois Theory

Andy Magid
Lectures on Differential Galois Theory
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Differential Galois theory studies solutions of differential equations over a differential base field. In much the same way that ordinary Galois theory is the theory of field extensions generated by solutions of (one variable) polynomial equations, differential Galois theory looks at the nature of the differential field extension generated by the solution of differential equations. An additional feature is that the corresponding differential Galois groups (of automorphisms of the extension fixing the base and commuting with the derivation) are algebraic groups. This book deals with the differential Galois theory of linear homogeneous differential equations, whose differential Galois groups are algebraic matrix groups. In addition to providing a convenient path to Galois theory, this approach also leads to the constructive solution of the inverse problem of differential Galois theory for various classes of algebraic groups. Providing a self-contained development and many explicit examples, this book provides a unique approach to differential Galois theory and is suitable as a textbook at the advanced graduate level.
ISBN: 978-0-8218-7004-4, 9780821870044
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mathematical Association of America

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