Lecturers Toolkit 3e

Phil Race
Lecturers Toolkit 3e
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The LecturerÂs Toolkit is the primary resource for all teachers in higher education, whatever their experience, who are seeking to improve their teaching skills. Developed around detailed, practical guidance on the core elements of effective teaching in HE, it is packed full of accessible advice and helpful tips. This fully updated edition covers key topics including: learning styles assessment lecturing personal management skills formative feedback large and small group teaching blended learning resource based and online learning peer observation of teaching. The LecturerÂs Toolkit is essential for anyone working towards a profesisonal qualification in teaching in higher education as well as for those who want to reflect on and develop existing skills.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-415-40382-5, 9780415403825
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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