Leading for Success

Andrew Kakabadse
Leading for Success
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Classic leadership theory is presented here in a fresh and fashionable framework in this new, practical book for managers. Written in entertaining style, securely underpinned with the most credible and extensive research, top level case studies and frank opinion from prominent business and political leaders is featured throughout. Many different specific aspects of leadership have been focused on in the past to define the concept. From character to contingency, from context to chameleonic ability, from follower to future planning, each aspect has had its own piece of the limelight and modernity moment. This book brings all of these aspects together for moot. Leadership is examined from the heart and mind of a 'great' individual to the hearts and minds of followers of all levels. Perception, process, people, profit, planning, praise, promotion all have their place in a rounded look at the whole of leadership -- not just little bits of it.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-230-53715-6, 9780230537156
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan

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