Laparoscopic Surgical Oncology

Theodore Pappas
Laparoscopic Surgical Oncology
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Laparoscopy in Surgical Oncology is intended to give the practicing surgeon or trainee an in-depth analysis of the technical aspects, their indications, contraindications, and complications of all current minimally invasive procedures in surgical oncology. In little more than a decade, laparoscopic procedures have revolutionized surgery. Minimally invasive surgery is the treatment of choice for most upper GI operations for benign disease, but the trend toward laparoscopic surgery in malignancies has been slower and more controversial. Cancer surgery, however, poses some unique challenges that make the application of minimally invasive surgery in oncology more problematic. Laparoscopy in Surgical Oncology brings together a group of European and N American contributors, all experts in their field, to provide a text for specialists and trainees. This book covers all current key topics within the area of minimally invasive procedures in oncology.Laparoscopy in Surgical Oncology is intended to give the practicing surgeon or trainee an in-depth analysis of the technical aspects, their indications, contraindications, and complications of all current minimally invasive procedures in surgical oncology.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-960-399-241-7, 9789603992417
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill
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