Ladybird Action English Level 1

Ladybird Action English Level 1
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Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Rhyme Book. This beautifully illustrated book of action songs and rhymes gives children a really fun introduction to English. The pictures and the actions aid understanding and encourage your child to join with the words. CD. The CD brings the rhymes to life and includes all the language in pack for children to listen to and practise saying aloud. Great for pronunciation practice. Activity Book. Full of simple matching activities, dot-to-dot puzzles, drawing and colouring, this Activity Book draws on the language in the rhyme book and develops early literacy and numeracy skills, with guidance for teachers and parents. Alphabet Poster An attractive decoration for the classroom or bedroom, this poster is ideal for teaching the letters of the alphabet and the sound of each letter in English. Flashcards (Numbers and Colours). These flashcards are a great resource when teaching numbers and colours in English. Notes for Teachers and Parents. These notes describe the components in the pack and give advice to teachers and parents on how to use them to support their child`s learning.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-84422-423-4, 9781844224234
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Ladybird

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