Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosis & Treatment

Michael Camilleri
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosis & Treatment
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Provides a very up-to-date overview of this controversial disease, focusing in particular on diagnosis, management and treatment, but also covering epidemiology and new pathophysiologic advances. Tailored to the needs of today's practicing clinician, the book clearly explains the role of diet in treatment of IBS, the use of antidepressants, bulking agents and antispasmodics, as well as including a thorough review of serotinergic drugs and emerging treatments and pharmacotherapies. The management of the disease from the primary care perspective, and the relationship between the doctor and the patient in the treatment of the disease, are also comprehensively covered. There is an evaluation for the evidence for procedures in all chapters.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-7020-2655-3, 9780702026553
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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